The Ham Sandwich 2000
Choose Your Own Adventure
Stick it in God's pooper!
Stick it in God's pooper!
Slowly you make your way toward God's ass. It's as if his bare buttocks are a target, and his cornhole is the bull's eye. Moving forward you start to realize the tension in your hand. Your fingers are wrapped around something. You look down and notice the Pickle in your hand. Why are you holding it? How did it get there? Is it a dill pickle or a sweet pickle? These questions will have to wait, you need to stay focused on the task at hand, and with one mighty thrust, you force the Pickle in your hand straight into God's anal cavity. God's humming of popular 80's sitcoms turns into shrieks of horror and pain, and in a deafening, thunderous voice he calls out, "My Pooper!!! God Damn It!!" His face turned from furor to fright as he realized what he just said. "Shit, I just damned my ass!" The ground below starts to shake. You try to dislodge your hand from the pickle, but God's sphincter is too tight. Unable to separate your flesh from his you both find themselves on the fast track to hell. Sticking anything in any God's bare-ass pooper is not wise. Where does your adventure take you from here?
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